Friday 9 June 2017

Menopause And Urinary Incontinence – Are The Two Related?

Urinary incontinence is a major problem faced by millions of women worldwide. Also known as UI, it is the loss of control over your bladder or involuntary leakage of urine. The leakage can be from minor to severe uncontrolled UI. Most of the urologists agree that during menopause the progression of this disease increases.
A person can experience UI all their life and it occurs mainly due to stress or pressure on the muscle that stops or releases the urine.
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Urology Hospitals Agree on Menopause A Factor
This disease is quite common among women who are going through pregnancy, menopause or are giving child birth. It is because the muscles in the pelvic region are affected due to hormone change experienced by women during these stages of life.
Estrogen is a hormone that is quite vital for the heart of women; it protects them from many diseases and also slows the loss of bone. During menopause this hormone drops; this hormone also keeps the bladder and urethra healthy.
As the pelvic muscle of the women weakens during menopause and old age; the process known as pelvic relaxation. And estrogen keeps dropping during and after the menopause; you no longer have control over your bladder and the more the estrogen drops the worst the case will get.
Types Of Urinary Incontinence Linked To Menopause
There are mainly two types of UI that can be linked to menopause or the drop in estrogen.
Stress incontinence
It is primarily caused due to the weakness of floor pelvic muscle. Its symptoms can be stress caused on the pelvic due to coughing, sneezing, laughing, exercise or while lifting heavy objects. The leakage can be a minimal or complete loss of control over urination. This type of UI can be attributed to bodily changes like menopause, pregnancy, and childbirth. Though it can also exist in women during premenopause.
Urge incontinence
This type of urinary incontinence is also known as “overactive bladder”. As the name suggests, it is caused due to overactive bladder or irritated bladder. The desire to urinate is frequent and unexpected. The muscles of the bladder lose its ability to relax and therefore, you feel like urinating all the time; even when your bladder is empty. Sometimes the urge might be so compelling or so out of control, you might not even reach the bathroom.
Urology specialists postulate some other types of UI like – after the menopause, the chances of developing urinary tract infection increases and the women might experience a burning sensation while peeing. The other type of UI is nocturia – waking up several times at night with the urge to pee.
There are several treatments and lifestyle changes that are advocated to the patients. The disease can be controlled by medication, nerve stimulation, devices, biofeedback, and surgery.
The lifestyle changes that could have a positive impact includes reducing the consumption of alcohol and caffeine, planning the time of urination in the attempt to accustom the body to periodic urination, reduce weight, practice exercises to strengthen the pelvic muscle.



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